
Friday, May 21, 2021

Pink shirt day

Today is pink shirt day. Pink shirt day is a when you wear pink to stop bullying all around NZ. Pink shirt day began in 2007 in Canada when two students took a stand against homophobic bullying after a new year 10 students were harassed and threatend for wearing pink. These students bought dozens of pink shirts and distributed them to their classmates to wear the next day. The word go out online and hundreads of students showed up in pink some from head-to-toe to stand together against bullying. It has been celabrated in NZ since 2009 


  1. Ka pai Aotea. The blog highlights information that informs your readers of what the blog is about. What are your personal views about bullying? What are the school and our own studio views about bullying? What do your friends think about bullying as a whole? Tau ke!

    1. I think bullying is bad. somtimes people are mean and they dont notices and just slip up but and dont notice its hurting somone else's feelings thats ok but people who do it day after day after day and they know that their being mean its just horrible because there are soo many bad and mean people in the world

    2. Aotea, that point of view needs to be put into real life action by all of us. Ka pai.


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